There’s Still Time To Organize Your Summer Mission Trip
Whether or not to take your students on a mission trip this summer might seem like a challenging decision this time of year. You’re probably thinking, “Will I even have time to pull it off?” If you truly desire for you and your students to serve on a mission trip together this summer but are […]
Uncategorized, Youth Ministry
Fundraising Ideas & Tips for Your Mission Trip
If you’re like a lot of youth leaders, fundraising might be one of the more daunting parts of planning for your mission trip. We’re here to help. With 28 years of mission trip experience, we’ve compiled some great fundraiser planning tips as well as our favorite fundraising ideas from experienced youth leaders. All of these […]
Announcing four new service sites for 2018!
Looking for the best service site match for your youth? One of our four new service sites may be just the right fit. These unique sites introduce different regions of the U.S. and provide either large urban or small-town settings. Each community offers a rich heritage, unique strengths and needs and plenty of opportunities for […]
A Response to Charlottesville
In the wake of events this weekend in Charlottesville, we at YouthWorks are grieved by the hatred and violence fueled by white supremacy. We stand against racism, bigotry and discrimination in all forms, especially as it impacts teenagers. In all of this, we must remember that love overcomes hate. We are called into conversation and dialogue with others—even about […]
Thank you for sharing The Good Life: A special thank you to our YouthWorks staff
Thank you for choosing to serve with YouthWorks this summer! We express our heart-felt gratitude to you for sharing your time, special gifts and your love of God with teenagers and communities. Each day you went above and beyond to connect with teenagers, uplift them and walk with them as they shared Jesus’ example of […]
Best of Summer I Social Roundup #yw2017
YouthWorks mission trips empower teenagers to nurture a deeper faith in God, make meaningful connections with each other and create shared stories with the communities they humbly and respectfully serve alongside. Check out how YouthWorks mission trips bring together teenagers, communities and youth workers for fun and impactful summer service experiences that last a lifetime. […]
Celebrate our YouthWorks mission trip experiences and listen as God inspires you to seek out new and meaningful ways to serve in your community every day. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXbDZDVFaJV/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXTtherlpPm/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXdWrS5hk3q/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXOIly4A4QO/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXLOaGDnCtC/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXTh1B7BaMc/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXUORjzhcOI/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXYdhnNgMnU/?tagged=yw2017
7 Secrets to Getting More Students to Sign Up for your Events
We all want to know the secrets to getting more students to sign up for our youth events, right? You know the feeling. You’ve spent hours and hours planning an event. You’ve invested time, energy and money into it. All of this and then no one really shows up. Or at least not as many as […]
God puts the FUN in YouthWorks! I Social Roundup #yw2017
We have more fun than we could ever imagine on a YouthWorks mission trip because God makes it all happen! God brings together talented youth leaders, extraordinary teens and gracious community members to create compassionate servant leaders, long-lasting friendships and a sense of overflowing joy. Together, we lift our voices in praise exclaiming, “Yea, God”, […]
Respectful Service I Social Roundup #yw2017
Our YouthWorks teams take the time to listen well, learn from diverse perspectives and honor communities. https://www.instagram.com/p/BWiBaJIFwQh/?tagged=yw2017&hl=en https://www.instagram.com/p/BWv1fZEgVXP/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BW3JswZh2-e/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BW3s4vol7oX/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BWxWpPOgKe4/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BW1ItslhD_o/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BWz-pdJjGHr/?tagged=yw2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BWk_rKrD6hR/?tagged=yw2017&hl=en https://www.instagram.com/p/BWiNmr2Hbjr/?tagged=yw2017&hl=en https://www.instagram.com/p/BW1PIcjFXN-/?tagged=yw2017