First Love Pre-Trip Discussion Guide
“On a mission trip, you might travel a long way from home because you want to show people in another place God’s love, which is great! But how silly would it be to try to love someone far away if you didn’t love the people you see every day?! People might know you are on a mission trip because you travel in a big group or because you cruise around in a big van or because you all wear the same color T-shirt, but what if the first thing people noticed about your group is that you really love each other?!”
Use this discussion guide to invite your students into this conversation before the trip. OR give them this handout as a pre-trip devotional.
TIP: During your 2016 YouthWorks trip, you’ll have small group discussion time with your students twice during the week. You might put your students into groups of 5–7 plus a leader for this pre-trip discussion, then during the trip they can be in the same groups using the same format for discussion.