Serving in a Large Urban Community
At YouthWorks, we have learned that there are a number of typical reactions groups experience stepping into this type of community. We share these with you so you know what to expect and so you understand that it’s normal to have these feelings.
Driving takes longer. Sometimes people enjoy this because they get to see more. Sometimes people get stressed out. Sometimes it just makes people feel tired. Slow traffic and occasionally getting lost are part of visiting an urban area. Your patience on the road will help you and your passengers feel safe.
Schedules feel fuller. Serving at multiple service sites during the day can make the schedule feel packed with an added transition during the day. While the schedule may seem full, don’t miss this opportunity to appreciate the diversity of places you and your teenagers will experience in the city.
There are more people around. Although these trips hold the same size groups as other YouthWorks sites, it can just seem like a lot of people. It is hard to find a quiet oasis in the city, and this can be challenging when you’re in the middle of the trip. On the other hand, there’s an energy about urban areas that can be invigorating.
Opinions are more vocally shared. In an urban area, typically there is a higher prevalence of activism and social justice initiatives. Be patient and respectful of community members sharing their voices and opinions – even if they differ from yours.