2015 Summer Theme: Upside Down Kingdom

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This summer, you might want to do big things. But what if you didn’t do big things? What if, instead, you did small things – but small things that are more meaningful because they are part of something bigger? Something so big it began two thousand years ago when a King who looked like a commoner proclaimed a Kingdom was coming.


What kind of Kingdom? Well… it is hard for some to see, yet it is all around us. It is something we are a part of, and it becomes part of us. It is a little like a tiny seed, and it is worth all you have. It is what we pray for, yet it is often beyond what we expect. It is coming, but it is also already here.


This Upside-Down Kingdom is that “something bigger” you get to be a part of. For two thousand years, this Kingdom has woven its way through history and across continents to this place and this time. And now it’s your turn to participate. But watch out for plot twists! The Kingdom tends to overturn the ordinary and exceed expectations. So this summer, hope for what is coming. Be part of what is here. And expect the unexpected.


Welcome to the Upside-Down Kingdom.


“Your kingdom come,your will be done,on

Free Summer 2015 Theme Downloads (Click Images to Download.)

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