Featured Posts, Mission Trips, Youth Ministry
Make the Most of Your Students’ Spring Break
How to plan a Spring Break that excites and engages your students! Most weeks you get about two hours to spend with your students. Two hours every week where you faithfully pour into their lives and plant seeds of faith. That’s one reason that school holidays like Spring Break can be a unique opportunity to […]
Featured Posts, Mission Trips, Youth Ministry
Why Mission Trips Matter – Part 1
It’s a valid question: Why mission trips? If there are needs closer to home. If it requires an inordinate amount of time and money. If mission trips can cause more harm than good. Why go on them? There are many reasons why you may be considering a mission trip: You want to see people come […]
Communities, Mission Trips
Finding The Right Mission Trip
Need help finding the right mission trip for your group? You’re in the right place! We know that finding the mission trip to meet your group’s unique needs can be a challenge! We also know that starting the planning process can be overwhelming when you do not know where start. That’s why we created this […]
Mission Trips, Youth Ministry
COVID Impact Report
We’re incredibly thankful for this partnership with Ministry Architects, and for the 100+ youth workers, church leaders, and ministry resourcing organizations that took the time to be a part of our COVID Impact Listening Sessions. Erica, YW’s President, and Jacob filmed this short dialogue with our Ministry Architects specialists Stephanie Caro and Toni Mosely about […]
Mission Trips, Youth Ministry
What Do “Christ-centered Mission Trips” Look Like?
Creating a mission trip is tough. But if everything you do points to Jesus, it’s worth it. Here’s how we know… QUOTES FROM TRIP LEADERS THIS SUMMER “[My students’] world became bigger and so did their view of Jesus.” – Shannon (Trip Leader in Duluth) “It was encouraging to witness what God is doing in […]
Mission Trips, Youth Ministry
What I Learned on the Last Night of a Youth Mission Trip
There I was, sitting in a circle of 25 teenagers and a handful of adult leaders as they were processing their mission trip together in the basement of a church in Birmingham. The discussion was on the heels of their footwashing ceremony on the last night of their trip. The presence of God was so […]
Mission Trips
Service Projects for Families: 6 Things to Help You Plan
Planning service projects for families? You’re in the right spot. Service projects for families can be a key way that your ministry can support discipleship from a family-first perspective. Afterall, getting a family to own their faith, to communicate about it, and to lean into each other, is one of the best ways to help […]
Mission Trips
Taking Advantage of Teachable Moments on a Mission Trip
Guest blog from our friend Ben Zuehlsdorff, High School Director at Marin Covenant Church and contributor at www.averageyouthministry.com Youth ministry is all about setting the table. Throughout everything we do as youth workers, we know that Jesus is the one who changes lives, so we continually create spaces for Jesus to show up. Intuitively, we know […]
Mission Trips
DIY Mission Trip or Use a Mission Org? 6 Questions to Ask
Weighing the pros and cons of a DIY mission trip? These questions will help. Mission trips are an incredible opportunity to invite students into the work of God in communities all across the country and the world. But the way you organize a mission trip can happen in lots of different ways. Some use a […]
Mission Trips, Youth Ministry
Strengthening Our Atrophied Missions Muscles
Guest blog from our friend Benjamin Kerns who is the Lead Pastor at Marin Covenant Church and founder and curator of www.averageyouthministry.com Many of us have been working so hard to keep our own ministries afloat that the ministries and missions organizations that we are connected to have diminished. This is understandable, but it is […]