Puerto Rico
- Pre-Packaged Trips: High School & Up
- Custom Trips: All Ages
Be immersed in a rich cultural experience as you learn about the strengths and struggles of those in Puerto Rico through serving at local organizations.
Serving in a place where Spanish is the primary language will give your group an opportunity to step into a genuine cross-cultural experience. You’ll help address poverty by partnering with local organizations, and see firsthand what it looks like to do community development in an area that has survived multiple natural disasters. Service in Puerto Rico is highly relational, whether you’re working with children, youth or the elderly. YouthWorks has been serving in Puerto Rico since 2003.
Please note: All information regarding service and community engagement activities are subject to change.
Trip Types offered in Puerto Rico
Pre-Packaged Trips
Weeklong summer mission trips for teenagers with staff, meals, and programming included. Focus on your students, not logistics.
Custom Trips
Year-round service experiences for any age group with flexible start & end dates. Match community needs with your unique group.
Lodging & Shower Facilities
14 Meals
Summer Staff
Planned Service Projects
Service Project Materials
Evening Activities **
Pre and Post-Trip Tools
Custom Trips

Year Round
Custom trips during any season available here!

Spring Break
6 day/5 night custom mission trip with curriculum included.
Lodging & Shower Facilities
Planned Service Projects
Flexible Start/End Dates
Custom Schedule
More Info
Partner with local organizations to meet ongoing needs in the community.
Students may serve all or part of the week at an outreach ministry, a local church working to meet the needs of its neighbors, a community farm or a variety of children's programs.
The service schedule and organizations we serve with can vary.
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