Poverty Resource Download

An Introduction to the Myths and Generational Impact of Poverty

After 25 years of facilitating short-term youth mission trips, we’ve recognized a number of essential topics that every youth worker should include in their pre-mission trip prep work. This guide book is designed to introduce you to one of these topics in a way that you can utilize it on your own, with a group of your volunteers, with student leaders, and even in small groups of students going on your mission trip. It’s not an easy topic but it’s necessary in an effort to respond to these questions…

What is poverty and who is impacted?

Where is it and why does it exist?

How are we as Christ-followers supposed to respond to poverty, whether near and familiar or distant and foreign?

This guidebook invites you to explore these questions as we seek greater understanding of the lives of people in our communities and broader human family.

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Poverty Resource Download